Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Single Panel Comics

I have been trying to enter the world of single panel comics. I have always loved single panels, I had ideas here and there but none that I found particularly funny to really try and create. Ever since I got enough money to go wild at the art supply store and get proper inking pens and bristol paper I have been non stop practicing and improving my cartooning skills. I am having a ton of fun coming up with these ideas and drawing and inking them, usually late into the night listening to Marc Maron's podcast: WTF. If you don't know about Marc Maron, he is brilliantly funny and his guests open up to him more than any other interviewer I like to watch. 

My general process for these comics is to sketch out a bunch of rough thumbnails (usually at work or wherever I get the idea) on scratch paper to get the staging and composition. Then I do some character design and try to work expressions. When I move to the bristol paper I start with a 3H pencil and block in the scene very lightly, move on to an HB or F (is there a difference?) The final step is convincing myself that my hand is not too shaky from the 3 cups of coffee I've had and start inking. I let myself get loose and tell myself I can correct the boo boos on Photoshop, but I try and get it as close to the look I want on paper. After that, I take photos with my iPhone (lack of working scanner) and touch up the inking and add color and such. Can't stop doing these, they are only getting better (Cookie Monster Tom Waits is the latest) and they are more fun to me than the average Bear and Bread.

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